Terms and Conditions




TW16 5LX


07957 398 469


When returning your ‘New Pupil Registration Form’, please confirm that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions. You may also wish to opt in/out of the use of your child’s image in photographs and/or videos for marketing materials and training purposes.


Our team of teachers are highly qualified and experienced industry professionals. All members of staff have a full, enhanced DBS on the update service.

All teachers have experience in working with pupils with additional educational needs, including ASD, ADHD, dyslexia and dyscalculia. We are also able to support gifted and talented students. 

Mary has run background checks on all teachers. 


All On-Stage Now shows include singing, acting and dance. It is crucial that your child attends as many rehearsals as possible so that they feel fully prepared to perform. We stage two major productions at each of our branches (Sunday and Tuesday) with an additional summer holiday cabaret-style show which is known as our ‘show in a week’ project. We rehearse our term-time productions over a three-month period. This can vary depending on when school holidays fall and when the theatre is available. Our productions are usually performed at the Riverside Arts Centre in Sunbury on Thames.

We cast each show based on the pool of actors who have committed to the production. Your child will be cast as a named part and will have lines and lyrics to learn as well as dance routines (where applicable). Every child is fully involved in the show from start to finish and all children will be acting, singing and dancing.

Mary has trained her team to use the ‘On-Stage Now Approach’ which promotes a positive, child-led and highly engaging rehearsal environment.

Members must be collected from rehearsals/lessons/workshops on time or an additional charge may be added.

On-Stage Now has an optional uniform for members (T-shirts and hoodies are available to order from Mary). We expect all members to dress in an appropriate fashion for rehearsals in line with professional theatre etiquette:

·       Leggings/tracksuit bottoms

·       Trainers/jazz shoes (character shoes if required)

·       No jeans (unless a costume requirement)

·       No low-cut or midriff-baring outfits

·       No flip-flops or open-toed shoes

·       No mini-skirts or hot pants (in summer, shorts should be an appropriate length)


Please contact Mary directly over such matters on 07957 398 469.


We predominantly use email and Whatsapp as our preferred methods of communication. Please make sure that you have been added to the correct parent Whatsapp group and that we have the right email address for you so that you are always kept informed.


On-Stage Now invoices families on a termly basis via email, but we can offer flexible payment plans on request. Such matters should be discussed directly with Mary in person or on the telephone (07957 398 469). Members with outstanding fees will not be permitted to join in with sessions.

We offer all new members a two-week trial period free of charge before committing to joining On-Stage Now. Should the child/children wish to become full members, they will be invoiced accordingly as we are open to welcoming new members at any point in the term. 

If you wish to cancel your child’s membership for any reason, we require a minimum of half a term’s notice.